Heroicons from ClojureScript
Update 2022-02-20: Requiring single icons using :refer
causes ALL Hero icons to be included in builds (even optimized). Instead, use :as
(multiple times). Examples below have been updated.
In my opinion, Clojure and ClojureScript is lacking in the documentation department, especially when it comes to integrations with things outside the Clojure ecosystem.
I want to share how using Heroicons from within a ClojureScript Reagent (including Re-frame) application works. Some might find the following obvious. But if you (like me) aren’t using ClojureScript for frontend development every day… it might not be.
Which is sad because it is actually quite easy… when you already have Shadow-cljs configured 😎
First install it (just like described in the documentation):
npm install @heroicons/react
Now imagine already having a reagent component named my-component-missing-icon
(ns my-app.core
[reagent.core ...] ; The three dots (...) means there is more
...)) ; but it isn't important for the example.
(defn my-component-missing-icon [] ; Shamelessly copied from Reagents website
[:p "I am a component!"]
"I have " [:strong "bold"]
[:span {:style {:color "red"}} " and red "] "text."]])
Require a specific icon from @heroicons/react/solid
and insert it in the component (e.g. the icon CheckIcon
(ns my-app.core
["@heroicons/react/solid/CheckIcon" :as CheckIcon] ; <- new stuff
[reagent.core ...]
(defn my-component-with-icon [] ; Component now slightly changed.
[:p "I am a component!"]
[:> CheckIcon {:style {:height "5rem" :width "5rem"}}]
"I have " [:strong "bold"]
[:span {:style {:color "red"}} " and red "] "text."]])
Notice :>
which means “creating a Reagent component from a React one.”
The “having to convert a React component to Reagent” was the thing I was missing.
If Tailwind is thrown into the mix, it will be possible to style Heroicons like [:> CheckIcon {:class "h-5 w-5"}]
If build sizes are a concern, then avoid using :refer
which otherwise could seem like the obvious way to reference multiple icons.
DON’T DO THIS - builds will include ALL icons from @heroicons/react/solid
(ns my-app.core
["@heroicons/react/solid" :refer [ChatIcon CheckIcon]] ; NOT optimizeable
To allow build tools (like Shadow-cljs) to properly optimize builds instead require icons individually, even though it is more verbose:
(ns my-app.core
["@heroicons/react/solid/ChatIcon" :as ChatIcon]
["@heroicons/react/solid/CheckIcon" :as CheckIcon]]
Now go enjoy the JavaScript and React ecosystem from the comfort of ClojureScript.
Heroicons from ClojureScript
© 2022 by Jacob Emcken is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0