Clojure InfluxDB client - part 2
I’ve released a small Clojure InfluxDB client library since my last post on the same subject, and as I mentioned I wanted to explore ways to leverage the /write
Though that didn’t require much:
(defn write
[conn db data query-params]
(str (:url conn) "/write")
{:content-type :x-www-form-urlencoded
:body data
:query-params (prep-query-params conn query-params {"db" db})}))
Just like SELECT
-statements for the /query
endpoint, the above assumes that data
is already in the correct format. This however doesn’t really add much value for me as a programmer… but then - what does?
Going down that rabbit hole, gave me a prime example of how Clojure makes my life an absolute pleasure. Exactly why that is the case, and a few thoughts about my design decisions, is what I want to share in the remainder of the blog post.
Into the rabbit hole
The Line Protocol describes the format of the data
that the write
function takes, and here is the syntax:
<measurement>[,<tag_key>=<tag_value>[,<tag_key>=<tag_value>]] <field_key>=<field_value>[,<field_key>=<field_value>] [<timestamp>]
I needed a way to represent a “measurement point” in code, and without jumping hoops transform that to the Line Protocol. I guess they came to the same conclusion for the Java client. They too have a point representation (org.influxdb.dto.Point
Among Clojure’s many strong points are representing stuff in data and manipulate that data. The following are all valid representations of a point using hash-map:
;; minimal data required by the Line Protocol
{:measurement "cpu"
:fields {:value 0.64}}
;; now also including a few tags
{:measurement "cpu"
:tags {:host "serverA" :region "us_west"}
:fields {:value 0.64}}
;; now with multiple fields and different data types along with a timestamp
{:measurement "cpu"
:fields {:value 0.64 :verified true :count 4}
:time 1434067467000000000}
To convert the above point representation to the Line Protocol, I set out to address the following challenges:
- optional data (tags and time),
- different data types, and
- different time precision.
The optional data was fairly easy to solve and you’ll see the implementation in point->line
(point to line):
(defn point->line
"Takes a point (hash-map) and optionally a precision and returns a string in
the Line Protocol syntax."
[{:keys [measurement fields tags time] :as point}]
(str (str/join "," (conj (key-val->str tags) measurement))
" "
(str/join "," (key-val->str fields))
(when time
(str " " time))))
The (when time
for an optional timestamp is straight forward. Though the reverse order of measurement and optional tags, might look a bit odd if you aren’t familiar with conj
. Use this as an excuse to play with how conj
behavior differs depending on whether it works on a list or a vector (key-val->str
always returns a list).
To solve the different data types was also straight forward because Clojure has corresponding data types:
(defn val->str
(float? v) v
(boolean? v) (if v "t" "f")
(int? v) (str v "i")
:else (str "\"" v "\"")))
I did however spend some time exploring the different integer types in Clojure (Integer, Long and BigInt) before I felt comfortable with the above solution.
Two down, one to go. The final version of point->line
ended up using a slightly different implementation to handle time precision:
(defn point->line
"Takes a point (hash-map) and optionally a precision and returns a string in
the Line Protocol syntax."
[{:keys [measurement fields tags time] :as point} precision]
(str (str/join "," (conj (key-val->str tags) measurement))
" "
(str/join "," (key-val->str fields))
(when time
(str " " (adjust-precision time precision)))))
The reason why adjust-precision
is so important, is due to the following recommendation in the official InfluxDB documentation:
We recommend using the least precise precision possible as this can result in significant improvements in compression.
With this in mind, I wanted to make it possible for developers to be able use alternatives to integers for representing an “instant” (like Java 8 Date Time API or Joda-time). I chose to solve it using multimethod.
(def ratios
{::ns 1
::u 1000
::ms 1000000
::s 1000000000})
(defmulti ->nano
"Takes an instant and returns it as nano seconds since epoch."
(fn [inst] (type inst)))
(defmethod ->nano :default
(identity inst))
(defn adjust-precision
"Takes an instant representation and returns the adjusted instant according to
the precision. Use nil as precision to leave the instant as-is i.e. when
already represented in the correct precision."
[inst precision]
(if-let [ratio (precision ratios)]
(long (/ (->nano inst) ratio))
Using a multimethod implementation eliminates the necessity of adding date library dependencies for the InfluxDB client library. While still making it easy to extend.
Here is how it would look for the Java 8 Date Time API (java.time.Instant
(defmethod ->nano java.time.Instant
[^java.time.Instant inst]
(+ (* (.getEpochSecond inst) 1000000000) (.getNano inst)))
Something similar could be implemented for Joda-Time.
Now what?
My current implementation for creating Line Protocol data from a point doesn’t handle special characters. There are also some InfluxDB API end points that the Clojure client still doesn’t support. Since I’m not very familiar with them, I would like to get some more experience with them. Better designs always emerge when I have better insight, better context and better understanding of how these endpoints help make my life easier.
I would also like to explore performance-related topics i.e. is the multimethod for different “instant” representation a performance killer. Last but not least the Java clients async writes have me intrigued… does something similar belong in the Clojure InfluxDB client library?
Clojure InfluxDB client - part 2
© 2019 by Jacob Emcken is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0