Blog posts index page 7

Creating a Clojure client library for InfluxDB

I’m working on a project where a time series database makes sense and the choice fell on InfluxDB. I found mnuessler/influxdb-clojure an aged Clojure wrapping an older version of the Java InfluxDB client. Being all excited about diving into this new area I thought it would be best to leverage the existing efforts put into making InfluxDB accessible in Clojure. It took me a while to realize that I wasn’t comfortable with all the layers put between me and InfluxDB server.


Recent findings on Clojure testing

These days I’m spending time looking into testing in Clojure. I’ve been writing my share of test cases in PHP at work. There we have several tests “freezing” time or mocking services. Both practices are common and something worth learning for Clojure.


Sources of inspiration

I find work-related inspiration in many places, among others, colleagues meetups and conferences. But most inspiration comes while purposelessly roaming the internet. I’ve always been interested in more than writing the code for the software. Whether it be participating in meetings and discussions that would help me better understand the business. Gathering data to predict how a UI should be formed for optimal user experience. Learning how to avoid making poor software design decisions that would bring the nice people in operations in trouble. But also the softer things like how culture and circumstances affect us as developers and individuals.


About cutting corners

It takes time to understand a problem, because before you can fully understand it, you need to also understand its context. As a code base grows, depending on how well the code is structured, the context in which you need to understand the problem can (and often will) grow.