At work I sit at a fairly slow machine so it takes forever to transform svg files to high resolution bitmap pictures. Also Java has a default upper memory limit which is quickly excited when exporting to high resolution bitmap pictures. This problem is solved when the default upper limit is increased: -Xmx128m (use 128MB RAM)
On my way to work I got a crazy thought. IIRC at least 3 questions about how to set time and date has been asked on the danish Debian help forum. This should be addressed with writing a section about how to set date and time on a Debian box. The section should contain a little info about date, rdate with cron and a third command to set the date (which I can’t remember the name of).
Today after the regualy update of my Debian unstable desktop a had some serious problems with my keyboard in gnome :( When holding down a key the stroke wasn’t repeated. Very annoying when using arrow keys (in console mode).