Blog posts index page 45

Harry Potter rocks

Today I went to the movies to see Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. I found the movie really good and I’m looking forward to all the next ones. I have read all the books and both the books and the movies keeps getting better… hope it stays that way.


Sun in SVG format

Today I made a sun i SVG very simple but also cool IMO. Well you can see a small sample to the right or download it i my files section (Update “Files section” doesn’t exist any more and link has been removed).


File section on

I have been planing to put a file section on my website for some time now. Earlier I just posted files in my weblog, but evntually they dissapear into the archives of the weblog and therefore not easily accessable. From now on I will put files in my new file section, if their relevance is beyond a single post in my blog.


chmod (distinguish between files and directories)

I hate having execute bit set on files not supposed to be executable. But I have always found it a lot easier to set it to keep directories browseable when chmod’ing a directory recursive. Now I thrown a little bash line together to easily only chmod files or directories.