Finnaly I pulled myself together and found a TFT monitor. I have looked on severel but I ended up buying a Samsung 172X because it think it was the best preforming and looking monitor I could find for the price. The Samsung 710T was also a candidate with slightly better specs but it looked ugly IMO.
Today I worked on a design for the upcomming site. The domain name isn’t enabled yet but on linux your don’t need DNS to access the site. Put something like the following in your /etc/hosts file like this:
I tried installing the package phpwiki and the installation went (like almost always with Debian) smooth. But I use severel VirtualHost’s and when i tried to access phpwiki I was met with an error 404 :(
Still can’t get Postfix to save my mail in Maildir format :-( It seems that Postfix don’t have permission to save the emails where I directed it to, even though it should. And of top of it all Courier-IMAP won’t authendicate via MySQL.