Blog posts index page 39

Debianart using Smarty... soon

I have started rewriting to use the Smarty template engine. I gives me better overview of the coding and it also provides me with tools which helps me create a better website. Although I have already encountered a few quirks with it. I had trouble concating smarty variables with smarty variables and text strings with smarty variables within a smarty function. I use the Smarty plugin: PNG image with Alpha Transparency to display PNG images with transparency in IE.


GAIM notifications

I found a promising GAIM plugin, Guifications recommended by a friend. It displays buddy states similar to MSN with a popup box in the cornor of the screen, which disappears after a few seconds.


Hanging in there

The limited number of posts the last month is evidence that work have been taking too much of my time lately. Now I’m really looking forward to my vacation. I’m going to look closer on the code for and see if I can reuse it for