Starting from September, I have been employed at Casalogic where I until now have been working freelance. My first paycheck has reached my bank account and I’m now surfing the web for the best way to spend it :)
… working on a Aptus server which I have to have ready tomorrow for at customer. It serves so called ‘fit clients’, and I like the concept… though I wouldn’t (probably never) trade my favorite distro…. Debian :-D Aptus only works with distos like SUSE and Redhat.
Today, while I was fiddeling around with my laptop, I tried transfering a file from my Nokia 6630 mobile phone to my laptop. I didn’t expect it to work becauce last time it didn’t. But this time it just worked!!
I have bought The Sims 2, and I must say that I’m not dissapointed (at least not yet). It has a lot of new twists to it which makes it differ from the original and a lot more fun and variated. The only bad thing about it is that I don’t have the time to play the game :)