Blog posts index page 32

Testing gnome-blog with Serendipity

I found gnome-blog a while back which is a small application from which you can add entries to you weblog. It also integrates with your GNOME panel so a blog entry is only one click away. At least it should integrate with the gnome-panel (running Ubuntu Hoary) but everytime I try to add it get this error:


A week in Paris

Last week I was in Paris with my girlfriend and my sister and her boyfriend. It was a great trip and our new digital camara (Canon Ixus 40) really hit the spot. We took almost 500 pictures, but it took a few days to get used to shoot at anything you see. Somehow both my girlfriend and I had trouble getting past the feeling of the limitation of a normal old school camara. Here is a cool picture my girlfriend took the St. Sulpice church (if you have read The Da Vinci Code you know which church I’m talking about):


FriFinans got a new homepage

The Open Source accounting system FriFinans has got a new homepage. The homepage is in danish but we are working on a english version. All developer documents (where they exsist) and code comments is in english, so this shouldn’t stop non-danish speaking people to join in.