JWT seems broadly used around the internet for all kinds of services and I wanted to use it for a service of my own.
To increase testing speed while interacting with the backend, I wanted to be able to rapidly create new JWTs to see the effect of different payload structures.
As part of a project I needed to handle webhooks from Hubspot (a CRM), and since the implementation turned out nicely, I thought it would be worth blogging about.
The reason why the app ended up in Cloud Run and written ClojureScript was to avoid the hard coupling to the main application.
When running MongoDB in Docker, diagnostics logs are sent to STDOUT by default. Since MongoDB version 4.4 these logs have been in a structured JSON format, which makes it a little cumbersome to use the profiling tool in mtools.
It is impossible for any human to take in all the information available to us. As new technologies emerge, both the amount and pace at which information hits us keep increasing. With an abundance of information, how do we choose which we allow our attention to absorb and which to ignore?