Blog posts index page 27

Sitting on a train

Last friday I got a new computer. After gotten my girlfriend to play World of Warcraft we suddenly found ourselves in the dilemma: 2 people wanting to play but only one computer… mine. I took the consequence and bought a new one - a Shuttle. A really cool little fukka for me - and the old one for her :-)


More consistensy in GNOME

Since last time I blogged I have filed another consistensy bug for GNOME… but it seems people confuse consistensy with a specific behavior. The Nautilus sorting bug is about having Nautilus, File Roller, Open/Save File Dialog and others to sort list of files the same way - not a specific way… just the same way. The Gedit and gnome-terminal bug is about using the same keyboard shortcut keys for shifting between tabs - not a specific key combination.


New battery for X40

The last 4 months my battery life on my laptop has becomming really bad. Mid december it died after a year and four months of good service. Last week I ordered and recieved a new one - yay!


Consistensy in GNOME

I use GNOME both at work and at home and I love it. Though one thing have annoyed me a lot lately and that is that shifting through tabs in gnome-terminal and gedit uses different keyboard shortcuts.


World of Warcraft patch 1.8

After the 1.8.0 patch World of Warcraft doesn’t work for me again. I’m unable to click on things ingame :-( (This applies to the latest 1.8.1 patch too).