This week I’ve been on a course to prepare for the Novell Certified Linux Engineer (CLE) which is required (and payed) by my employer. But to take the CLE certification test you need to be CLP certified first, so today I took the CLP certification. Now I’m ready to do the CLE tomorrow.
I think its kinda hidden. You might have wondered why vmware-server kernel modules was available from the repositories but no vmware-server? The answer is: It is available!
For those who doesn’t know… a few years back I made the site which was supposed to be the center of graphics for Debian. It never took off, mostly because I didn’t really have the time and it didn’t help that I started using Ubuntu instead. I was running Debian unstable at the time because I wanted the latest and greatest (Gnome among other things) so the jump to Ubuntu wasn’t really that big.
In the lastest version of Ubuntu (version 7.04 - Feisty Fawn) kernel modules for VMware Server is available in the package vmware-server-kernel-modules from Ubuntus package repository. The VMware Server itself is at the moment not. You still need to install VMware Server from the tar.gz download from