Blog posts index page 10

A plugin system for clojure-blog

In order to support different syntax for posts, smileys and hook-ins in general I searched the web for inspiration and found the following link which have some cool info:


Lazy import of csv file in Clojure

I’ve been looking at Clojure now and then for a while… really wanna learn this stuff :) The other day I needed to import a very large CSV file… and it seemed like a good problem to try solve in Clojure.


Quick Launch Looking Glass

Today I took the plunge into something I’ve been wanting to do for a very long time: help developing Open Source Software. I’ve started off small :) I’ve been messing around with gnome-shell and looking into how extensions work. What better way to start than scratching and itch? I found it annoying to press Alt+F2 followed by “lg” and Enter to open Looking Glass (Gnome 3’s integrated debugger and inspector tool) all the time.