Well that didn’t stop me this time. I started to copy Pirates from my Windows XP partition to my fake WINE Windows drive (notice the cool new GNOME 2.12 copy dialog.
Now I tried to start Pirates again but this time I got a message about missing 2 dll files:
You can find them by searching on Google
I copied the files to my fake Windows’ system folder ie. /home/je/c/windows/system
Finally I applied a No-CD-patch and was now able to start the game, where I was greeted by a… black screen for a long time.
I’m serious…. a VERY long time.
I’m telling you - it’s still there ;)
Then finally I was presented with the title menu. YEAH!
I think I fiddled a little with some settings before I dared try starting the game. Now a long waiting time again. But you don’t wanna go fetch coffe because you want to see this ;)
Woah, I see an ingame movie… cool. I was so quickly taking the screenshot, that the menu didn’t get time to disappear. They call my Lucky Luke ;-)
I’m actaully able to choose with whom I want to got to the new world. The grey man was a little to creepy so England it was.
Long wait time…. again, and no movie of me fighting the captain - perhaps I accidentally hit a key, dunno. Well suddenly I saw a little ship sailing and joy filled my body - YES!… and before I knew it the game had crashed. :-( Perhaps tweaking with the video setting and stuff might make the game somewhat playable :-)
The few screenshots I created was worth it all. See you on the other side.
Sid Meier's Pirates with WINE
© 2005 by Jacob Emcken is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0