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S3 presigned URL generation with Babashka

A while back, I needed to generate presigned URLs for S3 objects in Amazon Web Services. I wanted to use Babashka (Clojure scripting), to avoid my painful friend from the past - Bash.

I looked all the usual places for a Clojure-friendly approach, but even Cognitect’s AWS API did not have any means to presign URLs. Everybody seemed to reluctantly tolerate having to use AWS Java SDK directly for presigning URLs.

— Java interop, oh joy 😣😅

Being forced to use AWS Java SDK would mean a no-go for Babashka. Also, based on how often similar questions pop up, I felt it deserved a better solution.


Upload files to SharePoint using Babashka

My team and I were publishing a specific set of files several times weekly and we were obligated to put them on Microsoft SharePoint for non-technical people to be able to find them. After all, it is fair to not assume everyone knows their way around GitHub or how to run small pieces of code.

The tedious file upload to SharePoint was done manually until recently when Babashka came to the rescue and helped leverage our CI/CD pipeline.


How to compare JSON files offline

At work, I needed to compare some huge (almost identical) JSON data structures.

Since the data was potentially sensitive, I wanted to do it offline. Sending data over the wire to one of the myriad of online services was a no-go.

There are probably built-in tools for IDE’s like VS Code, Emacs and the like, but I wanted something I could use on the Linux CLI


Who am I

I am many things.

Upon reflecting the following words come to mind: husband, father, son, colleague, friend, philosophical, idealist, perfectionist, patient, empathetic, respectful, forgiving, fair, fearful, stubborn


Social media etiquette with the help of AI

There are many both really awesome and really horrible stories about how the internet is shaping our lives in the 21st century.

Social media despite its cool aspects also provide us with at least two problems:

  • The harsh tone often found in debates.
  • The amount of (useless) content.

Both problems have made me more or less quit social media, but I am hopeful that AI will be able to counter the harsh tone.


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